Create orderd unordered definition List in HTML5


List in HTML5 (Ordered or Numbered/Unordered List/Definition List) 

Introduction to Ordered List

Attributes of <ol> tag

1.type attribute with example

2.start attribute with example

3.reversed attribute with example

Introduction to Unordered List 

1.type attribute

Introduction to Definition List

Nested List

Ordered list or numbered list

When a text matter contains a list in a sequence, tag for ordered list is used. Ordered and Unordered are the two types of lists.

The ordered list is numbered. The ordered or numbered lists are required when a sequence is important. An ordered list can be NUMERICAL or ALPHABETICAL.

The  <ol> tag  defines an ordered list. The tag for the ordered list is <ol>..</ol>.

The list item within a list enclosed in <li>..</li> tag.

Attributes of <ol> tag-


Using the type attribute the list items can be numbered as 1,2,3,A,B,C,i,ii,iii,I,II,III.

The type attribute is specified as follows-             

<ol type=”1”> which results the list in 1,2,3 sequence.In this case type attribute is 1.Which is also default value.

The effect of different values as follows- 

1.<ol type=”1”> - list form is 1,2,3….

2.<ol type=”A”>- list form is A,B,C uppercase letters. 

3.<ol type=”a”> - list from is a,b,c lowercase letters.

4.<ol type=”I”> -list from is I,II,III uppercase roman numerals. 

5.<ol type=”i”>- list from is i,ii,iii lowercase roman numerals.


<!DOCTYPE html>


<h3>List of Subjects</h3>








List of Subjects





Example 2.

<!DOCTYPE html>


<h3>List of Subjects</h3>






<h3>List of Subjects In Uppercase</h3>

<ol type="A">





<h3>List of Subjects In Lowercase</h3>

<ol type="a">






 List of Subjects




List of Subjects In Uppercase




List of Subjects In Lowercase




2.start attribute-

It is used to specify from which number the list should begin. It also has default value as 1.

The tag <ol start=11> will start the list to begin from 11. In case of <ol type=”A” start=7> the list begins from G. Example.1.

<!DOCTYPE html>


<h3>List of Subjects</h3>






<h3>List of Subjects Starts form 3</h3>

<ol start=3>





<h3>List of Subjects Starts from G</h3>

<ol type="A" start=7>







List of Subjects




List of Subjects In Uppercase




List of Subjects In Lowercase





3. reversed attribute- 

This attribute specifies that the items of the list are specified in reverse order.

Example 2

<!DOCTYPE html> 



<h3>List of Topics in reverse sequence</h3>

<ol reversed> 

<li>BASICS of IT</li> 

<li>HTML 5</li> 





List of Topics in reverse sequence

  1. BASICS of IT
  2. HTML 5
  3. PostgreSQL

Unordered list or bulleted list

The unordered list is similar to the ordered list. The difference between them is that instead of the number or alphabet sequence is used in ordered list, bullets and symbols are used.

An unordered list created using the <ul> tag and each list item starts with the <li> tag.

The list items in unordered lists are marked with bullets (small black circles),by default.

The text for unordered list is enclosed within <ul>..</ul> tags.

The list items are enclosed in <li>..</li> tags.


Attributes of <ul> TAG

 1.type attribute- 

To change the type of bullets in the list item in the browser window. The type attribute can take value circle,disc,square and none.


1.<ul style=”list-style-type:disc”> - Sets the list item marker to a bullet (by default).

2.<ul style="list-style-type:circle"> - Sets the list item marker to a circle.

3.<ul style="list-style-type:square"> - Sets the list item marker to a square.

4.<ul style="list-style-type:none"> - The list items will not be marked.


Example 1 

<!DOCTYPE html> 



<title>EXAMPLE of HTML Unordered List</title> 



<h3>HTML Unordered List</h3> 


<li>BASICS of IT</li> 

<li>HTML 5</li> 




HTML Unordered List

  • BASICS of IT
  • HTML 5
  • PostgreSQL

Example 2.

 <!DOCTYPE html> 



<title>EXAMPLE of HTML Unordered List</title> 



<h3>HTML Unordered List with Circle</h3> 

<ul style="list-style-type:circle"> 

<li>BASICS of IT</li> 

<li>HTML 5</li> 



<h3>HTML Unordered List with Square</h3> 

<ul style="list-style-type:square"> 

<li>BASICS of IT</li> 

<li>HTML 5</li> 



<h3>HTML Unordered List with None</h3> 

<ul style="list-style-type:none"> 

<li>BASICS of IT</li> 

<li>HTML 5</li> 





HTML Unordered List with Circle

  • BASICS of IT
  • HTML 5
  • PostgreSQL

HTML Unordered List with Square

  • BASICS of IT
  • HTML 5
  • PostgreSQL

HTML Unordered List with None

  • BASICS of IT
  • HTML 5
  • PostgreSQL

Definition list :

To define A definition list <dl> tag is used. You can create items in  definition list with the <dt> and <dd> tags. 

The <dt> tag is used to define the term.

where as the <dd> tag  is used to define the term’s definition.


 <!DOCTYPE html> 



<title>definition List</title></head> 


<h3>Example of HTML definition list</h3>



<dd>The part of the internet that contains websites and web pages </dd>


<dd>A markup language for creating web pages</dd>


<dd>A technology to make HTML look better</dd>





Example of HTML definition list

The part of the internet that contains websites and web pages
A markup language for creating web pages
A technology to make HTML look better 


Nested list :

List within another list either order list or unordered list is called nested list.

 Example 1

 <!DOCTYPE html> 

<html > 


<title>Example of HTML nested list</title> 



<h3>HTML Nested List</h3> 


<li>Introduction to IT</li> 

<li>Introduction to DBMS</li> 

<ul style="list-style-type:circle"> 

<li>Definition of DBMS</li> 

<li>Applications of DBMS</li> 

<li>Advantages of DBMS</li> 






HTML Nested List

  1. Introduction to IT
  2. Introduction to DBMS
    • Definition of DBMS
    • Applications of DBMS
    • Advantages of DBMS
  3. Postgresql



Example 2 

<!DOCTYPE html> 

<html ><head> 

<title>nested list</title></head> 


<h3> Multi-level list Nested List</h3> 


<li>Daily Computing</li> 

<li>Web design</li> 


<li>html 5</li> 


<li>Inserting Images</li> 



<ul style="list-style-type:circle"> 

<li>Conditional Structure</li> 

<ul style=”list-style-type:square”> 

<li>If Statement</li> 

<li>If else Statement</li> 

<li>Case Statement</li> 


<li>loop Statement</li> 






Multi-level list Nested List

  • Daily Computing
  • Web design
    1. html 5
    2. hyperlink
    3. Inserting Images
  • JavaScript
    • Conditional Structure
      • If Statement
      • If else Statement
      • Case Statement
    • loop Statement

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