Inline Frame in HTML5 or Floating Frame


INLINE FRAME IN HTML5 or Floating Frame

We can use <iframe> tag to insert frame to a webpage. It is called inline or floating frame. Thus using inline frame, we can embed one web page inside another. The <iframe> element creates an inline frame. Inline frames are often used in online advertising, where the contents of the <iframe> is an advertisement from an external party.HTML5 allows the incorporation to be seamless(no scrollbars,borders,margins etc).

Attributes of <iframe> tag-


Specifies the document that would appear in the inline or floating frame.

Assigns the name to inline frame for linking purpose.

3. height and width-

Specifies the vertical dimension and horizontal dimension of the inline frame.


Specifies thickness of borders around inline frame. 5.frameborder-indicates whether the frame’s border is visible or not.

6. scrolling-

Indicates whether a scrollbar is present in inline frame or has three values-Yes,No,Auto.

7. align-

Aligns the inline frame as left, right and center of the page.


<!DOCTYPE html>




 <p>This is the example of iframe.</P>

 <iframe src="file:///C:/Users/Arman/Desktop/email.html " height="200" width="300"></iframe>




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