Chapter 1.Advanced Web Designing.
Online Trial Exam.
1.Run JavaScript Program On Your Android Phone:
2.Run HTML Program On Your Android Phone:
Que.1.Fill in the Blanks.[Marks 10]
1.<input type="..">defines a file select and a browse button for file uploads.
2.The...tag is placed between <head> tag.
3.Internal CSS is also called as....
4....are used to seaparate each selector in grouping.
5...tag is used to define the term's definition.
6.The ... tag is used to specify multiple media resources for media elements.
7.The ... attribute of <video> tag specifies an image to be shown while the video is downloading or user hits play button.
8.The ... attribute of <iframe> tag specifies the html content of the page to show in the <iframe>.
9.The companies that provides web hosting services are called .....
web hosts
10.The..attribute of <input> tag acts as a temporary label showing the purpose of a textfield without requiring a label tag.
Que.2.True/False.[Marks 10]
True The number input type can be used for entering a numerical value
True A disabled input field is unusable and un-clickable.
False The fixed element will not move, even when the page is scrolled.
True CSS allows you to control the looks and feel of several pages by changing a single source.
False Metadata data will not be displayed on the webpage.
False It is written with the hash character(#) followed by the id name.
True These clickable regions are called as hotspots.
False When a text matter contains a list in a sequence, tag for ordered list is used.
True Inline frames are often used in online advertising.
False The
Que.3.Multiple Choice(One Correct Answer) [Marks 10]
1.The..attribute of <input> tag specifies a regular expression to check the input values.
- a.check
- b.max
- c.pattern
- d.min
pattern used to identify the html element uniquely through the document object model.
- a.class
- d.value
3.The...CSS file should not contain any html tag.
- a.inline
- b.embedded
- c.external
- d.internal
4.The....attribute specifies that the audio output should be muted.
- a.loop
- b.autoplay
- c.controls
- d.muted
5.The ... attribute acts as a pointer which indicates that image is client side image map.
- a.usemap
- b.ismap
- d.None of Above
6....are paid hosting servers for large websites.
- a.shared hosting
- hosting
- c.dedicated hosting
- d.server
dedicated hosting
7.The....attribute of <meta> tag specifies the name of the metadata.
- a.http-eqiv
- c.content
- d.charset
8.The...attribute specifies that the items of the lists are in reverse order.
- a.start
- b.type
- c.reverse
- d.first
9.The....value of text-decoartion property is used to remove underlines from lines.
- a.overline
- b.line through
- c.strike through
- d.none
10.The..attribute of <input> tag specifies whether a form or input field should have auto completed on or off.
- a.complete
- b.autofocus
- c.pattern
- d.autocomplete
Que.4.Multiple Choice(Two Correct Answer)[Marks 20]
1.Charset attribute of <meta> tag use for indian characters....and for chinese characters.....
- a.UTF-8
- b.Big 55
- c.Big 5
- d.UTF-80
Big 5
2.The attributes of <audio> tag are..
- a.autoplay
- b.loop
- c.controls
- d.muted
3.Following are the attributes of <area> tag..
- a.src
- b.href
- c.coords
4.A CSS rule set contains
- a.a selector
- b.block
- c.a declaration
- d.bracket
a selector
a declaration
5.Following are the types of web hostng.
- a.shared hosting
- hosting
- c.dead hosting
- d.fare hosting
dedicated hosting shared hosting
6.The display property has following values.
- a.external
- b.block
- d.inline
block inline
7.Following are the values of border property.
- a.double
- c.solid
- d.groove
8.Following are the types of CSS in positioning is.
- a.static
- b.internal
- c.fixed
- d.external
9.The following are common video formats...
- a..mp4
- b..mp3
- c..aac
- d..webM
10.There are two types of image maps
- a.client map
- b.client side
- c.server map
- d.server side
client side
server side
Que.5.Multiple Choice(Three Correct Answer)[Marks 06]
1.Floating properties are
- a.float:middle
- b.float:right
- c.float:justify
- d.float:left
- e.float:top
- f.float:none
- g.embedded
2.Following are the values of shape attribute of <area> tag.
- a.rect
- b.polygon
- c.hexagon
- d.poly
- f.pentagon
- g.square
Que.6.Match the following Pair.[Marks 04]
Sr.No | A | B |
1 | pattern | a.input field have autocomplete on or off |
2 | disabled | b.input field is read only |
3 | placeholder | c.input field sould be disabled |
4 | read only | d.expression to check input values |
5 | autocomplete | e.acts as a temporary label |
1-d 2-c 3-e 4-b 5-a
Que.7.Short Answer(Any Five)[Marks 10]
1.What is CSS?Explain any two types of CSS.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
Types of CSS-There are three methods of implementing styling to html document.
1.Inline CSS 2.Internal CSS 3.External CSS
1.Inline CSS-Inline CSS is used to apply CSS on a single element.
2.Internal CSS-This is used to apply CSS on a single document or page.
3.External CSS-The external CSS is used when you want to make changes on multiple pages.
2.What is web hosting?.
Web hosting is the service of providing storage space.The website is made available on the internet with the help of web hosting.
3.Explain any two positioning in CSS.
CSS helps to position the html elements.
There are four types of positioning in CSS.These are namely-1.Static Positioning. 2.Fixed Positioning 3.Relative Positioning 4.Absolute Positioning.
1.Static Positioning-This is a by default positioning for html elements.
2.Fixed Positioning-this positioning helps to put the text fixed on the browser.The fixed property forces an element into a fixed position relative to the browser window.
4.Explain any two types of web hosting.
There are three types of web hosting namely-1.Shared hosting 2.Free hosting 3.Dedicated hosting.
5.Explain any two common input restrictions.
There are some common input restrictions,used for validation purpose.
1.disabled 2.placeholder 3.autocomplete 4.autofocus
Que.8.HTML5 Programs Two programs solve two.[Marks 10]
1.Write HTML code for following output.[Marks 05]
2.Write HTML code for following output.[Marks 05]
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