Chapter 2.Online Trial Exam. Advanced Javascript


Chapter 2.Online Trial Exam. Advanced Javascript

Que.1.Fill in the Blanks [Marks 10] an interpreted scripting language.


2.Programs in Javscript are called as.......


3.Javascript is ........oriented scripting language.



4.Javascript is used for....purpose.



5.In Javascript a multiway decision statement is known as.....


6.....will execute statements in statement block till the condition is true.


7.An .....can group data together with functions needed to manipulate it.


8.The...keyword is used to craete new object in javascript.


9.DOM stands for .....

Document Object Model

10.In javscript using ....method id property is used to find an element.


Que.2.True/False [Marks 10]

1.Javascript is not case sensitive language.

...... Answer is B)

False Javascript is case sensitive language.

2.for loop combines initializing,condition and loop iteration in single statement.

... Answer is A) True Javascript helps the browser to perform input validation.

3.Continue statement is used to make early exit from a loop.

... Answer is B)

False Break statement is used to make early exit from a loop.

4.Javascript is an object based scripting.

... Answer is A)

True Javascript is an object based scripting.

5.title property is DOM object returns the name of the document.

... Answer is B)

False title property of DOM object sets or returns the title of the document.

6.status property of window object sets the name of a window.

... Answer is B)

False status property sets or returns the text in the status bar of window

7.print() method of window object prints the content of current window.

... Answer is A)

True print() method of window object prints the content of current window.

8.In Javascript onKeypress,onKeydown are the keyboard events.

... Answer is A)

True In Javascript onKeypress,onKeydown are the keyboard events.

9.Javascript is known as universal server side scripting language.

... Answer is B)

False Javascript is known as universal client side scripting language.

10.In Javascript number is the parent object of all the other objects.

... Answer is B)

False False In Javascript window is the parent object of all the other objects.

Que.3.Muliple Choice Single Answer [Marks 10]

1.An...language is a type of programming language that executes the instructions directly and without compiling machine language instructions in precious program.

  • a.compile
  • b.VB
  • c.interpreted
  • d.html


2.In javascript function is declared by using .....keyword.

  • a.funct()
  • b.language
  • c.function
  • d.comment


3.The ....statement is not mandatory in switch.

  • a.default
  • b.branch
  • c.function


4.In Javascript,....loop executes statements as long as condition becomes true.

  • a.default
  • b.branch
  • c.for


5.In Javascript to jump out of loop ....statement is used.

  • a.while
  • b.for
  • c.continue
  • d.break


6.The way in which html document content is accessed and modified is called as ......

  • a.variable
  • b.object
  • c.Document Object Model
  • d.object model

c.Document Object Model

7.In javscript....object is at the top of the object hierarchy.

  • b.math
  • c.document
  • d.window


8.....object is used to store and manipulate character in a text.

  • a.character
  • b.string
  • c.text
  • d.letter


9.The index of the first occurence of specified character in given string returned by ....method of string.

  • a.chartPos()
  • b.charAt()
  • c.indexOf()
  • d.pos()


10.An an object that can store a collection of items,in Javascript.

  • a.string
  • c.window
  • d.array


Que.4.Multiple Choice Two Correct Answer[Marks 20]

1.There are two types of scripting

  • a.client side
  • b.browser side
  • c.server side
  • d.base side

a.client side   c.server side

2.The methods of Document Object Model are

  • a.head()
  • b.alert()
  • c.write()
  • d.writeln()

c.write()   d.writeln()

3.The method confirm() of window object creates doalog box containing.....and .....button

  • a.submit
  • b.message
  • c.reset
  • d.ok

b.message  d.ok

4.Javascript supports two types of objects....and...

  • a.widow
  • b.inner
  • c.built in
  • d.user defined

c.built in  d.user defined

5.In Javascript,number object contains following properties

  • a.MIN
  • c.MAX


6.isFixed method of number object returns the .....that represents a .....with exact digit after decimal point./p>

  • a.string
  • b.integer
  • c.float
  • d.number defined

a.string  d.number

7.Following are built in objects in Javascript

  • a.math
  • b.array
  • c.random
  • d.month defined

a.math  b.array

8.In Javascript,mouse events are

  • a.onclick
  • b.keypress
  • c.onmouseover
  • d.onchange

a.onclick  c.onmouseover

9.In Javascript window object has following properties

  • a.math
  • b.document
  • c.location
  • d.month

b.documenth  c.location

10.The valid methods of Array object are in Javascript are

  • a.pop()
  • b.push()
  • c.isInteger()
  • d.length()

a.pop()  b.push()

Que.5.Multiple Choice Three Correct Answer[Marks 06]

1.In javscript client side scripting is used for following purposes

  • a.for validation
  • hide code
  • check ranges and dates
  • d.for animation
  • e.perform data access
  • f.for file security

  • a.for validation
  • check ranges and dates
  • d.for animation

  • 2.Features of Javascript are

    • a.Not create any new functions
    • b.Need of special software installation
    • c.It can Handles date and time effectively
    • d.Javascript helps browser to perform input validation
    • e.Software can not run on any hardware platform
    • f.It can not supports event based programming

  • c.It can Handles date and time effectively
  • d.Javascript helps browser to perform input validation
  • f.It can not supports event based programming

  • Que.6.Match The Following.[Marks 04] 1.Match the Pair
    Sr.No A B
    1 HTML5 a.Client Side Scripting Language
    2 PHP b.Programming Language
    3 Javascript c.Server Side Scripting
    4 VB .net d.Markup Language

    1-d  2-c  3-a  4-b

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