Chapter 6.E-Commerce and E-Governance True/False.

                                Chapter 6.E-Commerce and E-Governance 

Que.2.True/False.[10 Marks]

हॅलो,विद्यार्थी मित्रानो प्रश्न क्रमांक.२.True/False.हा प्रश्न एकूण १० मार्कसाठी असतो.यामध्ये एकूण १० प्रश्न १० मार्कसाठी असतात.प्रत्येकी एक गुण असतो.


इतर सर्व CHAPTER मधील TRUE / FALSE साठी POST मधील  लिंकवर क्लिक करा.

Que.No. Description No of Questions Marks
2 True/False 10 10

Que.2.True/False.[10 Marks]

1.Commerce is an important part of a business.

...... Answer is A)

True Commerce is an important part of a business.

2.Online airline booking ticket system is example of E-Commerce.

... Answer is A) True Online airline booking ticket system is example of E-Commerce.

3.Amazon,Flipkart are example of C2B commerce.

... Answer is A)

True Amazon,Flipkart are example of C2C commerce.


4.E-Commerce means Electric Commerce.

... Answer is B)

False E-Commerce stands for Electronic Commerce.

5.OLX,Quikr are example of C2C.

... Answer is A)

True OLX,Quikr are example of C2C..


6.eBay is an example of C2B model.

... Answer is A)

True eBay is an example of C2B model.

7.EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange.

... Answer is A)

True EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange.


8.The EDI reduces paperwork.

... Answer is A)

True In EDI information is send electronicaly rather than on paper.

9.Many services like license renewals and paying tax are essential in G2C.

... Answer is A)

True Most of the government services fall under G2C.Many services like license renewals and paying tax are essential in G2C


10.The Government to Government(G2G) is the exchange of services between Government and Business.

... Answer is B)

False The Government to Government(G2G) is the exchange of services between Government and Government.

11.Encryption converts plain text into cipher text.

... Answer is A)

True Encryption converts plain text into cipher text.


12.Decryption is the process which converts cipher text into plain text.

... Answer is A)

True Decryption is the process which converts cipher text into plain text.

13.A digital signature is also known as electronic signature.

... Answer is A)

True A digital signature is also known as electronic signature.

14.Digital Certificate is also known as private key certificate.

... Answer is B)

False Digital Certificate is also known as public key certificate.

15.PKI stands for private key infrastructure.

... Answer is B)

False PKI stands for public key infrastructure.

16.C2C type of E-commerce deals with business and customer.

... Answer is B)

False C2C type of E-commerce deals with customer to customer.

17.The lack of a personal touch can be a disadvantage for many types of services and products in E-commerce.

... Answer is A)

True The lack of a personal touch can be a disadvantage for many types of services and products in E-commerce.

18.M-commerce can be used through desktop computer.

... Answer is B)

False M-commerce is selling and buying goods and services through smartphones.

19.EDI is reffered as paperless technology of E-commerce.

... Answer is A)

True EDI is reffered as paperless technology of E-commerce.

20.Checking the balance of holiday is an example of G2C.

... Answer is B)

False Checking the balance of holiday is an example of G2E.Government to Employee.

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