Introduction to DBMS
Que.2.True/False [10 Marks]
हॅलो,विद्यार्थी मित्रानो प्रश्न क्रमांक.२. True/False.हा प्रश्न एकूण १० मार्कसाठी असतो.यामध्ये एकूण १० प्रश्न १० मार्कसाठी असतात. प्रत्येकी एक गुण असतो.
इतर सर्व CHAPTER मधील TRUE / FALSE साठी POST मधील लिंकवर क्लिक करा.
Que.2.True/False [10 Marks]
Que.No. | Description | No of Questions | Marks |
2 | True/False | 10 | 10 |
Que.2.True/False [10 Marks]
1.Every HTML tag required closing tags.
False Every HTML tag not required closing tags.
2.HTML5 supports mobile technology.
3.Javascript is case sensitive language.
True Javascript is case sensitive language.
4.Most commonly used client side scripting language is Javascript.
True Most commonly used client side scripting language is Javascript.
5.For multiline comments in Javascript /* */ is used.
True For multiline comments in Javascript /* */ is used.
6.In Javascript the logical operator && is used for combining two conditions.
True In Javascript the logical operator && is used for combining two conditions.
7.Language attribute is used to set scripting language.
True Language attribute is used to set scripting language.
8.Javascript has 4 logical operators.
False Javascript has 3 logical operators namely &&(and) || (or) ! (not).
9.Comments are executable statements in program.
False Comments are non executable statements in program.
10.Comments in program are used to gives information about programming.
True Comments are used to provide information about the program.
11.alert() function displays alert popup box with ok button.
True alert() function displays alert popup box with ok button.
12.isNaN() function returns true if given value is not a number.
True isNaN() function returns true if given value is not a number.
13.prompt() built in function is used to to input value from user at the time of execution.
True prompt() built in function is used to to input value from user at the time of execution..
14.Javascript is an event driven language.
True Javascript is an event driven language.
15.onMouseOut,onClick,onMouseOver and onMouseUp are mouse events.
True onMouseOut,onClick,onMouseOver and onMouseUp are mouse events.
16.WWW stands for World Wide Web.
True WWW stands for World Wide Web.
17.For giving table heading is given by using <caption> tag.
True For giving table heading is given by using <caption> tag.
18.HTTP stands for Hypertext Transmission Protocol.
Flase HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
19. Javascript supports user defined functions.
True Javascript supports user defined functions.
20.Javascript supports two types of comments namely single line comment ad multiline comments.
True Javascript supports two types of comments namely single line comment ad multiline comments.
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