Looping statement for loop in javascript

Loop control statements-


  • Introduction of Loop Control
  • Definition of Looping
  • For Loop Introduction
  • Syntax of For Loop
  • Example of For Loop
    • Display first ten numbers
    • Display sum of first ten numbers


  • Definition of Looping

        The process of repeatedly performing tasks is known as looping.

        These statements are used to repeat the execution of code for a fixed number of times or till some condition is satisfied. The condition should be a Boolean condition.

  • For Loop Introduction

        The for loop combines initialization, condition and the loop expression in a single statement. This loop executes statements as long as the condition is true. As soon as condition becomes false ,control comes out of the loop.

  • Syntax of For Loop



                        Loop statement/s;


        1.initialization done and it is executed only once.

        2.condition is checked,if false comes out loop,if True execute loop statement.

            Process continue upto condition is true.

  • Example of For Loop






            document.write("Exit"); //execute this statement when condition is false

Click Here For Video : For Loop

Click Here For Video:While Loop

  • Example of For Loop

    <!DOCTYPE html>


        <title>Javascript Program</title>



        <h1>For Example</h1>

        <script type="text/javascript">

            var i;



                document.write(i+"<br>"); //for display to next line use <br> tag






Addition of first 10 nos.

    <!DOCTYPE html>

    <head><title>Javascript Program</title></head>


    <h1>For Loop</h1>

   <script type="text/javascript">

            var i,sum=0;





            document.write("Addition of 10 nos="+sum);




Addition of 10 nos=55

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