Types of Operators in Javascript javascript comparison operator





  • Introduction to Operator
    • Definition of Operator
    • Unary, Binary and Ternary Operator
  • Types of Operator
    • 1.Arithmetic Operator
    • 2.Relational Operator
    • 3.Logical Operator
    • 4.Assignment Operator
    • 5.Increment and Decrement Operator       




    In any programming language programmer wants to perform operations in written program.

    An operators are special symbols used to perform operations using the operands and operator.

    e.g. c=a+b, Here a and b are operands and ‘+’ is operator.


Define Term Operator

        Operator is a symbol that specifies what type of operation to be performed.

Unary,Binary and Ternary Operator

 Unary Operator :

       In JavaScript, an operator acts on single variable called as unary operator e.g. like a++ or a--.

 Binary Operator :

    An operator acts on two variables called as binary operator e.g.like a+b.

Ternary Operator:

    An operator acts on three variables called as ternary operator like if(a>b)?exp1:expr2.

Types of Operators-


    1.Arithmetic Operator

    2.Relational Operator

    3.Logical Operator

    4.Assignment Operator

    5.Increment and Decrement Operator

1.Arithmetic Operator-

        In JavaScript, arithmetic operators are used in mathematical expressions. Arithmetic operators are used to perform basic mathematical operations like addition,substraction,multiplication,division and remainder i.e.modulus.

For following table values of x=5 and y=4.

              Operator                    Description                                         Example

              +(Addition)               adding value of x and y                      x+y=9

              -(Subtraction)           subtracts value of y from x                 x-y=1

              *(Multiplication)      multiplies value x with y                   x*y=20

              /(Division)                divides operands x and y                    x/y=1.25

              %(Modulus)              returns remainder                                x%y=1

Important Note


    In javascript '+' operator is also used for to combine two             


                            e.g.   var s1="India Is";

                                    var s2="Great"

                                    var s3=s1+s2;


                India Is Great

 2.Relational Operator-

              In JavaScript relational operators are used for comparison of operands. Result of relational operator is true or false i.e.boolean type. Relational operators are also called as comparison operator.There are some operators in javascript given below.

Operator         Meaning              Description                                 Example              Result

    ==                equal to               for checking equality                      10==10            True

    !=                 not equal to         for checking inequality                  40!=40               False 

     >                 greater than         for check great value                      40>40                False

    <                  less than              for check less value                        15<5                  True

    >=               greater than equal to   check for greater and equal     7>=8                 False

   <=                less than equal to        check for less as well as equal   10<=10          True

3.Logical Operator-

              When you want to combine more than one condition that time logical operators are used.In JavaScript there are three types as given below.

        1.&& (Logical AND) -Evaluates true when both conditions are true

            e.g.var a=9,b=8,c=6;    if((a>b)&&(a>c))   both conditions are true so evaluate true.

        2.|| (Logical OR) - Evaluates true when any one of true           

        e.g.var a=-1;if(n<0||n>100) first condition true and second false so total expression             value is true

        3.! (Not) -    used for negate or invert expression

            e.g.var a=0;if(!a==0)       expression (a==0) result is true but it inverts into result             false.             

4.Assignment Operator-

        In JavaScript when you want to assign value of an expression to a variable assignment operator is used.

        Example-a=0;  result=x*y;      a=b=c=9;

5.Increment and Decrement Operator-

        To add or decrease the value of a variable by 1, these operators are used. The operator ++ adds 1 to the operand value and “ - - “ subtracts 1.Increment and decrement both operators are unary operator.

1.++a     pre increment             value increased before used in expression

2.x++     post increment         value increased after used in expression

3.- -x      pre decrement         value decreased before used in expression

4.x- -     post decrement         value decrease after used in expression



                 var a=10;


        Output-b=11 and a=11

                 var a=10;


       Output-b=10 and a=11


  1. What are types of operators in javascript?
  2.  Do you know about javascript comparison operator?
  3.  What do you mean by ternary operator in javascript?
  4.  Javascript logical operators,assignment operator.  

Variables and Data types Video

Javascript Operator Video


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