XI Science Basics of Information Technology True/False

Basics of Information Technology 

Que.2.True/False.[10 Marks]

हॅलो,विद्यार्थी मित्रानो प्रश्न क्रमांक.२.True/False.हा प्रश्न एकूण १० मार्कसाठी असतो.यामध्ये एकूण १० प्रश्न १० मार्कसाठी असतात.प्रत्येकी एक गुण असतो.


इतर सर्व CHAPTER मधील TRUE / FALSE साठी POST मधील  लिंकवर क्लिक करा.

Que.No. Description No of Questions Marks
2 True/False 10 10

Que.2.True/False.[10 Marks]

1.ICT is the foundation of economy in 21 st century.

...... Answer is A)

True ICT is the foundation of economy and driving force in 21 st century.

2.The input device is used to send information to output device.

... Answer is B) False The output device is used to send information to output device.

3.For arithmetic operations like addition,substraction,multiplication etc.are performed by ALU.

... Answer is A)

True For arithmetic operations like addition,substraction,multiplication etc.are performed by ALU.

4.RAM is called as read/write memory of computer.

... Answer is A)

True RAM is called as read/write memory of computer.

5.ROM is temporary memory.

... Answer is B)

False ROM is a permanent type of memory of computer.

6.RAM is a permanent memory of computer.

... Answer is B)

False RAM is a temporary memory of computer.

7.1 GB is equal to 1000 MB.

... Answer is B)

False 1 GigaByte(GB) is equal to 1024 MegaByte.

8.System software is set of instructions used for to work a computer.

... Answer is A)

True In System software is set of instructions used for to work a computer.

9.Application software is a group of programs designed for end users.

... Answer is A)

True Application software is a group of programs designed for end users.

10.DOS stands for Data Operating System used for microcomputers.

... Answer is B)

False DOS stands for Disk Operating System used for microcomputers.

11.Windows is the most commonly used operating system for personal computers.

... Answer is A)

True Windows is the most commonly used operating system for personal computers.

12.iOS is Apple's closed source operating system for Apple's iPhone.

... Answer is A)

True iOS is Apple's closed source operating system for Apple's iPhone.

13.GUI stands for Graphical User Interface (GUI).

... Answer is A)

True GUI stands for Graphical User Interface (GUI).

14.CLI stands for Command Line Interchange.

... Answer is B)

False CLI stands for Command Line Interface.

15.Linux is free and open source operating system.

... Answer is A)

True Linux is free and open source operating system.

16.For transfer of files the mobile device forms peer to peer network.

... Answer is A)

True Students creates network for share files using mobile device that time it forms peer to peer network.

17.ARPANET adopted TCP/IP on January 1,1983 that became modern internet.

... Answer is A)

True ARPANET adopted TCP/IP on January 1,1983 that became modern internet.

18.WWW stands for World wide Web.

... Answer is A)

True WWW stands for World wide Web.

19.TCP stands for Transfer Control Protocol.

... Answer is B)

False TCP stands for Tranasmission Control Protocol.

20.IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol.

... Answer is A)

True IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol.

21.Internet Realy Chat(IRC) protocol is used for internet chat.

... Answer is A)

True ITES stands for IT Enabled Services.

22.ITES stands for IT Enabled Services.

... Answer is A)

True ITES stands for IT Enabled Services.

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