XI Science Basics of Information Technology One Correct Answer

 Basics of Information Technology 

Que.3.Select One Correct Answer. [10 Marks]

हॅलो,विद्यार्थी मित्रानो प्रश्न क्रमांक.३ . Multiple Choice Single Answer.(Select One Correct Answer). हा प्रश्न एकूण १० मार्कसाठी असतो.यामध्ये एकूण १० प्रश्न १० मार्कसाठी असतात. प्रत्येकी एक गुण असतो.


इतर सर्व CHAPTER मधील ONE CORRECT ANSWER साठी POST मधील  लिंकवर क्लिक करा.
Que.No. Description No of Questions Marks
3 One Correct Answer 10 10

Que.3.Select One Correct Answer. [10 Marks]

1.The.....device is used to enter the data and instructions into the commputer.

  • a.output
  • b.input
  • c.printer
  • d.All of Above


2.To store the data in the computer system....unit is used.

  • a.printer
  • b.input
  • c.memory
  • d.control unit


3...is collection of facts and figures.

  • a.input
  • b.data
  • c.information
  • d.text


4.....device is used to enter the data i.e.numbers and characters.

  • a.scanner
  • b.printer
  • c.OCR
  • d.input


5.Read Only Memory(ROM) is a......type memory.

  • a.permanent
  • b.temporary
  • c.standard
  • d.perfect


6....is also called as read/write memory.

  • a.ROM
  • b.PROM
  • c.RAM
  • d.EPROM


7.1 byte is equal to ....bits.

  • a.120
  • b.256
  • c.32
  • d.8


8.1 KiloByte(KB)=...bytes.

  • a.256
  • b.1024
  • c.120
  • d.10001


9.FOSS stands for...policy.

  • a.Free Open Source Software
  • b.Fast Open Source Software
  • c.Fast Only Source Software
  • d.Fast Open Secure Software

a.Free Open Source Software

10....software is required for any computer to work..

  • a.application
  • b.secure
  • c.system
  • d.program


11....is operating system is used by Nokia phones.

  • a.Android
  • b.Asha
  • c.Akash
  • d.iOS


12....is an open source,multi user,portable operating system.

  • a.Android
  • b.Blackberry
  • c.Linux
  • d.iOS


13.pwd stands for...working directory.

  • a.public
  • b.print
  • c.private
  • d.personal


14.A computer....consists of collection of computers,peripherals that are connected to each other.

  • a.network
  • b.operating
  • c.software
  • d.commands


15....command is used to print name of the current user.

  • a.ami
  • b.whois
  • c.whoami
  • d.whoiam


16....command is used for clear the terminal screen.

  • a.delete
  • b.clear
  • c.erase
  • d.cut


17....covers the smaller geographical areas i.e. upto few kilometers.

  • a.WAN
  • b.MAN
  • c.LAN
  • d.internet


18.ISP stands for...

  • a.Internet Service Provider
  • b.Intranet Service Provider
  • c.Incoming Service Provider
  • d.Internet Software Provider

a.Internet Service Provider

19.The computer scientist...is invented the world wide web (WWW).

  • a.Charles Babbage
  • b.Tim Berners Lee
  • c.Patrick Naughton
  • d.Bill Gates

b.Tim Berners Lee

20....is the delivery of computing services-servers,storage,databases,networking over the ineternet.

  • a.computing
  • b.networking
  • c.cloud computing
  • d.Shareit

c.cloud computing

21.HTTP stands for....

  • a.Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • b.a.Hyper Transfer Protocol
  • c.a.Hyber Transfer Protocol
  • d.a.Hypertext Text Protocol

a.Hypertext Transfer Protocol

22.The...is the delivery of different types og services provided by the internet.

  • a.computing
  • b.networking
  • c.cloud computing
  • d.Shareit

c.cloud computing

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