XI Science Introduction to DBMS One Correct Answer

 2.Introduction to DBMS

Que.3.Select One Correct Answer. [10 Marks]

हॅलो,विद्यार्थी मित्रानो प्रश्न क्रमांक.३ . Multiple Choice Single Answer.(Select One Correct Answer). हा प्रश्न एकूण १० मार्कसाठी असतो.यामध्ये एकूण १० प्रश्न १० मार्कसाठी असतात. प्रत्येकी एक गुण असतो.


इतर सर्व CHAPTER मधील ONE CORRECT ANSWER साठी POST मधील  लिंकवर क्लिक करा.

Que.No. Description No of Questions Marks
3 One Correct Answer 10 10

Que.3.Select One Correct Answer. [10 Marks]

1.The processed data is called as.......

  • a.data
  • b.information
  • c.record
  • d.None of Above


2....data type is used for a variable length of string.

  • a.text
  • b.character
  • c.varchar
  • d.char


3...data type is used to represent number with or without fractional part.

  • a.date
  • b.text
  • c.time
  • d.decimal


4.The primary key of one table is used as reference to other table is called as...key.

  • a.primary
  • b.foreign
  • c.attribute
  • d.value


5.In database,each column is known as....

  • a.value
  • b.data
  • c.field
  • d.record


6.In database,each row is known as....

  • a.value
  • b.data
  • c.field
  • d.record


7.In database a record is also known as....

  • a.tuple
  • b.data
  • c.field
  • d.record


8.Collection of one or more tables is called as....

  • a.record
  • b.field
  • c.database
  • d.value


9.A record is collection of.....

  • a.fields
  • b.attribute
  • c.keys
  • d.value


10.A one record in one table is related to one and only one record in other table is called as....

  • a.one to many
  • b.one to one
  • c.many to one
  • d.many to many

b.one to one

11.To extract data from a table...statement is used.

  • a.update
  • b.delete
  • c.insert
  • d.select


12.To insert new row in a table...statement is used.

  • a.update
  • b.delete
  • c.insert
  • d.select


13.For delete a table...statement is used.

  • a.drop table
  • b.update table
  • c.modify table
  • d.create table

a.drop table

14.SQL language is developed by...corporation.

  • a.Sun
  • b.Microsoft
  • c.Windows
  • d.IBM


15.DML full form is....

  • a.Data Manipulation Language
  • b.Data Merge Language
  • c.Data Markup Language
  • d.Definition Manipulation Language

a.Data Manipulation Language

16.To manage data within given tables....statements are used.

  • a.DDL
  • b.DML
  • c.DCL
  • d.TCL


17.ANSI stands for....

  • a.All National Standards Institute
  • b.American Nation Standards Institute
  • c.American National Standards Institute
  • d.American National Standards Information

c.American National Standards Institute

18.ISO stands for....

  • a.International Organization for Standardization
  • b.International Origin for Standardization
  • c.Inter Organization for Standardization
  • d.International Organization for Standard

a.International Organization for Standardization

19....is treated as a standard database language.

  • a.Java
  • b.SQL
  • c.PHP
  • d.C


20.To define structure of database...is used.

  • a.DML
  • b.DCL
  • c.DDL
  • d.None of Above


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