XI Science Introduction to DBMS True False

Introduction to DBMS

Que.2.True/False [10 Marks]

हॅलो,विद्यार्थी मित्रानो प्रश्न क्रमांक.२. True/False.हा प्रश्न एकूण १० मार्कसाठी असतो.यामध्ये एकूण १० प्रश्न १० मार्कसाठी असतात. प्रत्येकी एक गुण असतो.

इतर सर्व CHAPTER मधील TRUE / FALSE साठी POST मधील  लिंकवर क्लिक करा.

Que.2.True/False [10 Marks]

Que.No. Description No of Questions Marks
2 True/False 10 10

Que.2.True/False [10 Marks]

1.Data does not help user in decision making.

...... Answer is A)

True Data does not help user in decision making.

2.DBMS full form is Data Manage System.

... Answer is B) False DBMS stands for Database Management System.

3.MySQL,PostgreSQL,Access are popular examples of Database Management System.

... Answer is A)

True MySQL,PostgreSQL,Access are popular examples of Database Management System.

4.With the help of DBMS,Creating tables in the database are allowed.

... Answer is A)

True Tables are created in the database with the help of DBMS.

5.Banking becomes easy by sitting at home because of DBMS.

... Answer is A)

True Banking becomes easy by sitting at home because DBMS manages all bank transactions.

6.For creating and managing the databases DBMS software is used.

... Answer is A)

True DBMS is software used for creating and managing databases.

7.A table is a collection of a record.

... Answer is A)

True A table is collection of a record in DBMS.

8.Primary key is used for uniquely identifying each record in the table.

... Answer is A)

True Primary key is used for uniquely identifying each record in the table.

9.In a table two columns have the same name.

... Answer is B)

False In a table two columns can not have the same name.

10.In a database data security is vital concept.

... Answer is A)

True Data security is the esssential i.e.vital concept in a database.

11.A field is also known as a tuple.

... Answer is B)

False A Record is also known as a tuple.

12.In a table rows are called as fields.

... Answer is B)

False In a table columns are called as a fields.

13.ACID stands for Atomicity,Consistency,Isolation and Durability.

... Answer is A)

True ACID stands for Atomicity,Consistency,Isolation and Durability.

14.SQL stands for Standard Query Language.

... Answer is B)

False SQL stands for Structured Query Language and used for storing,manipualte and retrieving data in a database.

15.To control the user access in a database,DML is used.

... Answer is B)

False To control user access DCL command is used.

16.The valid data types are char,varchar,date and time.

... Answer is A)

True The valid data types are char,varchar,date and time.

17.To update the data ina table,update SQL command is used.

... Answer is A)

True SQL command update is used for to update data in a table.

18.To extract the data from the table,insert command is used.

... Answer is B)

Flase To extract data from table select command is used.

19. A DCL command is used for the giving rights and permissions to access the database.

... Answer is A)

True A DCL command is used for the giving rights and permissions to access the database.

20.To search a specific record in the database is possible.

... Answer is A)

True To search a specific record in the database is possible.

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